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Be Competitive
Lower your Costs
and Provide
The Best Service Quality

What is
System Integration?

The process of creating a complex information system that may include designing or building a customized architecture or application, integrating it with new or existing hardware, packaged and custom software, and communications.

In i-metrix our mission is to find and understand your business needs and to study and evaluate available options.

We design and propose the optimal business solution, in terms of cost and functionality that fully meets the requirements of your business.


Systems integration is a new challenge for companies in order to be competitive and
to provide quality services while streamlining operating costs.

Our Services include:

– Capture the current situation
– Description of requirements and new needs
– Solution design based on best techniques
– Preparation of a techno-economic proposal
– Defining a work schedule
– Project Implementation
– Monitoring – Project management
– Training in new technological infrastructures
– Integrated Technological – Infrastructure Support

Get in touch with the most powerfull
System Integrator today

Metrix Intelligent Solutions

Bringing the right Technologies and Partners together

WatchGuard Bundles